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War thunder is a free to play multiplayer vehicle combat game. It was originally a plane flying game but has expanded it’s horizons to include tanks, helicopters, and even famous battleships and coastal ships. The game has over 70+ million players registered and an average 160,000+ players playing at all times. War thunder is a game with a very interesting type of gameplay. There is a set of game modes which can be used for the different styles of gameplay. There are 4 types of gameplay from tanks, planes, helicopters, and ships along with combined versions of 2 or more(tanks can fight planes, etc). The game modes vary from arcade(everything is much easier for new players), Realistic(things are a little bit harder and is the most common game mode for players), and finally Simulator(hardest game mode with restricted views from planes or tanks). In addition to these game modes there are more than 2,000 very detailed vehicles that you can use to drive, fly, or sail to victory.

Tech Trees Tanks
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