german-flag german-tree DickerMax

The German tech tree is a bit different from the American tech tree a little bit. In the German tech tree there are some vehicles that might appear in other tech trees such as the American tech tree, and the Ussr tech tree. This is the cause because germany bought some tanks from both of the other nations since they were not allowed to produce their own vehicles for a certain period of time after WW1 and WW2. Another reason why the German tech tree is different from the American tech tree is because the German tech tree has a large variety of vehicles called ifv’s (Infantry fighting vehicles). These vehicles differ from normal ones because they mostly use rapid fire cannons instead of traditional fire then reload type cannons. On top of this, some tanks called TD’s (or tank destroyers) get missiles called atgms (anti-tank guided missiles). These missiles can be guided around terrain and provide the user some advantages over traditional tanks. For the top vehicles of the German tech tree there is 2 ifv’s, one light tank, one medium tank, and one anti-air vehicle.